
PSHE - Dares

In PSHE this week, Year 3 learned about dares. The children came up with examples of dares that would not be OK, and what they could say to someone who was daring them to do something. Last but not least, we discussed who the children can speak to if they are unsure: their 5 trusted adults!

RE day

Once per half term, each class takes part in RE day! This half term, Year 3 learned about Christianity, more specifically 'Messages'. The children learned a couple of stories from the Bible: the Parable of the Wandering Sheep and the Parable of the Good Samaritan. The children enjoyed acting out the latter and creating comic strips to remember the story. They came up with brilliant ideas for what the 'message' of each Bible story might be. 


This week, Year 3 have been adding ones, tens, and hundreds onto 3-digit numbers. In order to do this efficiently, we need to be super fluent with our number facts. Here are some proud mathematicians showing off their fluency!

English Week 6

This week, Year 3 have been preparing to interview Jacqueline Auriol, a French aviator who set several world speed records. The children have read example interviews and come up with their own questions to ask her. On Friday, they finally met her in the flesh and used their speedy writing skills to note down all of the key information that she gave. We really look forward to reading their final write next week!


In History, Year 3 have been learning about the Neolithic settlement of Skara Brae, Orkney. The children have explored the fascinating artefacts that were discovered there after being completely preserved for around 4,000 years by sand. Did you know that the Stone Age inhabitants of Skara Brae had jewellery made from teeth, ate shellfish and even had dice? The children were interested to learn that the people of Skara Brae had pet dogs (we know because archeologists have found ancient dog poop)! This week, the children used what they have learned to create their own impression of Skara Brae. See below for their fantastic work.


Newts! Following on from our live lesson on habitats we thought that we would share with you a habitat that year 3 discovered at school! Year 3 found some newts living in our woodpile. We discoved how their habitat was suitable for them as it was sheltered, damp and near a water source. The children were very respectful and notified an adult straight away. We had a look at the newts and discussed how they are adapted to their habitat. Newts are nocturnal so spend the day resting and hiding from predators. They have dark coloured skin to help them to camouflage. Webbed feet and tails help newts when they are swimming. They live near water as they are semi-aquatic. We returned the newt to its habitat to ensure we didn't stress it.  

French: Les nombres et ca va?

 Year 3 have been learning numbers 1-10,which they have been practising, through song and games. They also learnt to use Ca va? And practised different responses to the question using actions and then finally drawing the corresponding emotion onto a face.